Rainer Jueckstock

We live in extraordinary times with unparalleled opportunities and significant challenges. All this commotion can take a toll on us, and we must all find ways to enjoy the moment at hand and recharge.
I find such moments behind my camera.
Through this website, I aim to share my feelings about living in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, on Lower Long Lake. I will lend my open eyes, curiosity, and deep connection with our environment and its wildlife here in Bloomfield Hills, to provide you with moments to stay positive and enjoy life in the now.
At the same time, I love traveling the world. It gives me the needed contrast and complements my focus on Bloomfield Hills. Images from some of those trips, shown on this website, serve as great memories and reminders: Bloomfield Hills is important to me, but it is not everything.
Bloomfield Hills/Michigan
With a passion for capturing the beauty around us, I focus on the environment here in Bloomfield Hills. Around Lower Long Lake, Forest Lake, and Upper Long Lake, we enjoy vibrant wildlife.
Through my photography, I aim to evoke emotions and tell the story of the Michigan paradise we are blessed to live in.

Living on Lower Long Lake here in Bloomfield Hills makes every day special. The different impressions created by the vastly different light situations during the days and seasons are intensified by the large space the lakes offer to feel the light and its reflections.
The often spectacular scenery is dominated by the beautiful Kirk in the Hill, providing me with moments to capture beautiful sunsets and tranquilizing sunrises. We have everything here in Bloomfield Hills.

Travel around the World
While I love discovering and watching the local wildlife on Lower Long Lake, I don't want to miss exploring the world.
Different cultures, global cities, and small villages, high mountains, and vast oceans, hundreds of years of history, interesting wildlife, and breathtaking surroundings provide me with some of the intellectual nutrition I need to feel connected to both the local and global communities.